Thoughts About Fiction
Arcane - The Rocket Aftermath

by Benjamin Hamon


4 January 2022 (Updated on 21 August 2023)

Full spoilers for Arcane season 1.

Hello, everyone. You stumbled upon one of my wordy texts, resulting from my brain's unstoppable need to delve into stuff. This time, it will be shorter and less in-depth, as it's some wild speculation about how the show resumes and resolves the pending aftermath of its ending. Enjoy reading and please share your thoughts afterward. Cheers.


The very last thing that happens in Arcane season 1 is Jinx's rocket plowing into Piltover council's building, before a most appreciated transition to credits. Rather than an infuriating cliffhanger, this is undoubtedly an invitation to speculate about what comes next, after Arcane blew you away already.

Here I will delve into theories about what we can guess for the immediate aftermath of the rocket, as well as rating their likelihood, with considerations for both logical events and interesting stories. The goal is to speculate about where the plot, the setting and the characters may all go from there.

This topic is loosely related to a previous one: The Arms Race. Thanks to /u/PirateAttenborough, who highlighted in the comments how we actually get details about the launcher and the rocket in the final scenes, and how we can do comparisons to previous explosions to speculate on its power. That obviously won't prevent me from doing wild speculation, but it offers good evidence.

What we have

About the weapon, we know the Hextech gemstone is used in the launcher itself, and that the rocket visibly contains green and yellow liquids, which appeared previously in Jinx's grenades and various machinery around the undercity. Jinx would have had shimmer at her disposal but it was only used on people and animals as far as we know. I'm not an expert on weapons, especially in the context of a fictive universe, but we can speculate about the weapon actual power based on previous explosions. It should certainly be enough to cause significant damage to the building and everyone inside. Beyond that, I believe there are some slim possibilities of it being an order of magnitude stronger than that if the story wants to go there.

We know the Council is in session with Viktor and the usual members: Jayce, Mel, Mrs. Kiramman, the other councilors (apparently Bolbok, Hoskel, Salo, Shoola). Jayce does not appear to have his hammer, or any other Hextech stuff. Viktor had his hand and leg changed by the Hexcore, which were visibly disabled but may reactivate and do something, if only for self-preservation. Mel has her jewelry, which I will touch upon shortly. The other councilors could have anything significant to protect themselves, but it seems unlikely.

An instant before the rocket hits, we get a glimpse at Mel and her jewelry illuminating. Mel visibly reacts and there is a sound. We already get into speculation but it seems like this could be some kind of trinkets, either to warn her of danger or to offer protection. A warning alone is unlikely to do much. As for protection, we have no clue, nothing similar appeared until now. Mel always wears elaborate outfits and jewelry, its primary function is supposed to be ostentatious appearance, but they may have hidden capacities, considering Mel's resources and her need to protect herself.

Let's mention other relevant characters, who are in the city but should be far away from the explosion: Caitlyn, former councilor Heimerdinger, Jinx, Mel's mother and Vi.

Scenario 1 - Negligible damage

No one dies. The explosion is stopped or absorbed by Mel or by Viktor somehow. There is probably an awkward moment before the Council resumes its session and declares war on Zaun, or not.

This is quite unlikely since Arcane has not been holding its punches and that would dampen the meaning of the rocket in the context of the conflict between Piltover and Zaun.

Scenario 2 - Immediate damage to the Council

Several councilors die or are maimed. The explosion is dampened or redirected by Mel or Viktor. Then will come mourning and desire for vengeance.

Mel is likely to die, because she might take the blunt of the explosion, from her location next to it, and possibly exhausting herself in attempting to absorb it. One or several of Mrs. Kiramman and the 4 minor councilors are likely to die, as minor characters serving to show the damage done. Jayce and Viktor are likely to be protected by Mel and Viktor in priority.

Mel dying would affect her mother and Jayce. Mrs. Kiramman dying would affect Caitlyn. The Council being low in members will mean Jayce returning and confirming his grip on power.

This is the most likely scenario, as a predictable way to drive Caitlyn, Jayce and Mel's mother to new paths.

Scenario 3 - Massive damage to the Council and immediate surroundings

Most or all councilors die or are maimed. The explosion cannot be dampened sufficiently. The building and surrounding area are devastated and Piltover is immobilized for a while.

Viktor, and maybe Mel, are the two that may escape somewhat unscathed. Jayce could survive because he gets protected, or because plot armor.

The Council being mostly out of commission and Mel dying will let Mel's mother take control of the city quickly, and she would brutally intervene in the undercity. Surviving councilors, Heimerdinger, and maybe Caitlyn and Vi, could attempt to prevent the situation from going into a complete disaster for Piltover. Even if the situation stays under control, the city will be vulnerable and all hopes of peace destroyed.

This is likely as a logical aftermath, but quite unlikely from a storytelling perspective, especially if everyone dies. It almost never happens in stories, it would cut short progressions of several characters (even if they are actually at decent stopping points), it would kill champions, and it would remove almost all known characters on the side of Piltover. However, it would be bold, and not impossible to resume from.

Scenario 4 - Massive damage to Piltover topside

The Council is wiped and there is heavy damage in Piltover topside. The explosion is bigger than expected. Piltover is devastated and open to vultures.

Anyone who managed to survive takes charge, likely Mel's mother. It could still be Jayce, Mel or Viktor. The immediate course of action is to help survivors, recover to a less unstable situation, secure Hextech, and be ready to defend against anything.

This is unlikely since Jinx's rocket should not do that much damage at face value, but it could be an interesting path for the story, by not going into just war with Zaun but fighting for Piltover's (and Zaun) survival while likely precipitating a more global conflict for control over Hextech and weapons.

Scenario 5 - Massive damage to Piltover topside and undercity

The Council is wiped and there is heavy damage everywhere in Piltover. The explosion is way bigger than expected. Piltover is devastated and open to vultures. Everyone in the area, including Caitlyn, Jinx and Vi, could be hurt by the explosion.

Basically the same as the previous scenario, but the undercity is damaged too, which would affect all characters everywhere, and not just on topside.

This is very unlikely again, considering we are in the destruction range of nukes at this point.


In the end, there is just one likely result I could really imagine, based on your typical storytelling. Which makes this not much of a cliffhanger. Considering Arcane has managed to be quite unexpected and compelling until then, and not limited by the existing universe, there may be surprises in store still.