Thoughts About Fiction
Arcane - Powder and Jinx

by Benjamin Hamon


4 December 2021 (Updated on 23 June 2024)

Full spoilers for Arcane season 1.


Hi and welcome. I was feeling the need to write about Arcane, and, after a while, I ended up with this, which is something of an essay but mostly free form, as I wanted to express myself more than make a point. It was cathartic for me, and hopefully you'll get something out of it, maybe enjoyment, maybe distress, but beyond that matter to discuss, to agree and disagree with, or to expand upon. If you manage to read me to the end, please discuss and share what you think.

Powder is a fascinating character in my opinion, and the main character in Arcane. There is a lot to talk about, but let us start by setting up a nice discussion environment. Powder is a fictional character, for which we, and the story writers, have an incomplete and subjective picture. We also don't have that much content to go off. So what I'll lay out here could be right on target or completely wrong, it could be over-analyzing or over-interpreting, it could be reaching or projecting. Anyway, I find it very interesting to delve into the creations of our collective imagination.

One important point: Powder visibly suffers from trauma and mental health issues. I, and many others, deal with my own issues in that, and I try to educate myself in the subject. However, I am not competent in this area and I will stay away from making statements about her health and about mental disorders in general, as these are sensitive and complex topics. Instead I will try to talk about Powder herself, who she is, what she thinks, how she feels, what happens to her. I do encourage everyone to discuss mental health, from media and from real life, here and elsewhere, because it is important to. Be kind and respectful, that's all.

Naming Powder and Jinx

This post is about Powder. Her and Jinx are the same person. However, her evolution moves around a lot between the two, and people around her see her differently. I believe it is useful and telling to try to refer to her adequately each time, in order to reflect her whole identity crisis, between the girl she was, the freak she believes to be, and the woman she ends up as.

In my eyes, there are three main stages to her character: - Powder, the little girl she was originally. - Powder/Jinx, as the teenage girl Powder who assumes the persona of Jinx. - Jinx, the woman Powder became.

For the most part, it will simply be Powder, as it is who she is at her core and simply her original name, and there is not really ambiguity between Powder and Powder/Jinx. I hope it will make sense to you. Shimmered up Powder might be another stage, and kind of blurs the lines on when Powder really becomes Jinx, so at some point I may be frenetically switching between Powder and Jinx.

Character ages

Some quick notes about how old I consider characters to be, since it is not stated explicitly. Skip if you don't care about these details.

There was a tweet from one of the writer, giving approximations. It was around what I had imagined originally, except for Powder and Vi being close in age. Some of my numbers were tweaked a little to make coherent between themselves. In any case, these are estimations and not very important to the overall story. Furthermore, appearance and behavior particularities can be attributed to the harsh environment and messed up lives, not to mention the, you know, fictional universe.

In my mind, in the very first scene, Vi is 14 (13 to 15, a teen) and Powder is 7 (7 to 9, a young child). Then a few years pass, Vi is 17 (16 to 18, a mid to late teen), Powder is 10 (10 to 12, a kid) and Ekko is 12 (12 to 14, a kid roughly the same age as Powder). Finally, more years pass between act 1 and 2, probably 6 (6 to 8), meaning Vi is 23 (22 to 24, an adult), Powder/Jinx is 16 (16 to 18, a mid to late teen) and Ekko is 18 (18 to 20, a late teen).

I am not quite sure about Powder/Jinx's final age, as she appears like and acts like a teen, maybe a young adult. Her mental health issues do not help. Her and Ekko seem like they are about the same age in the beginning, but Ekko ends up as an accomplished fighter and leader for the Firelights, probably making him older. I actually was expecting the Firelight leader not to be Ekko but to be related to him, since it was too obvious a conclusion for how they hid him, and because it seemed weird for Ekko to be a leader at such a young age. Their environment, with the sickness, malnutrition, violence and need to fend for yourself, make it even more muddy.

The innocent girl Powder

Let's start simply by talking about the cute little Powder.

Kid Powder is joyful and innocent, playful and smiling. She has a caring sister in Vi, a protective adoptive father in Vander, a best friend in Ekko, a hobby of building contraptions, and a community around her. And this is despite having a harsh life, after living in the slums, losing her parents in the riots, and ending up in the slightly better Last Drop. It is actually hard to say how much love and guidance she had around her apart from Vi and probably Ekko, considering we don't know about her parents, Vander is probably not that present (compared to how he mentors Vi), Mylo and Claggor don't appear to like her, and she does seem to be alone a lot.

Powder and Vi are very close. Vi looks after and cares for her sister, who herself looks up to her and tries to prove herself to her. We see Vi encouraging Powder on their way to the job, then supporting and defending her after she loses the loot. Even when Powder overhears Mylo and Vi talking and, in classic fashion, hears only parts of it and make conclusions, she is quickly joined by Vi who comforts her and takes the time to rebuild Powder's self-confidence. Powder's admiration, love and trust for her sister are clearly visible, as well as her insecurity. She is a kid, and relies on Vi as a parent, a friend and an ally.

Powder is tired of being alone, and is eager to be useful. She wants to follow Vi, to be like her. At the same time, she understands that she is still little, that she isn't a fighter, that her contraptions don't work, and that the others only see her as a source of trouble. In a way, she accepts and internalizes it. She acts tough and tries to defend herself against Mylo, but she also makes herself discreet and gloomy, and probably looks forward to being comforted by Vi. She is a child, in a tough world, and who has to follow her sister and the group or be left behind. Meanwhile, Vi tries to raise her and make her happy, while wishing to keep her from the monsters.

I'd like to say Powder is happy, at the beginning of the story. She appears genuinely happy when she is with Vi. But she is also sad, lonely, scared. She is one of numerous orphans in the Undercity who live in awful conditions and have to fend for themselves. Powder is the innocent kid in the show (as is Ekko, but he is not in focus early), the one person which is not due for or already deep in violence, crime or scheming.

Powder's happiness and innocence, and the way Vi tried to shelter her, make her downfall particularly tragic. It also separates her from and contrasts with the other characters. Vander is struggling to keep a fragile peace, Vi wants to fight and to take revenge on Piltover. Powder is very different from Vi, but she tries to emulate her and will end up resembling her in many ways. Vi is a strong and stable person, with a good heart and a good head on her shoulders (at times), but she has something to prove, energy to spend, and ideas for trouble and vengeance in her mind. Vi does not realize how she is herself corrupted by the world. Vander wishes to guide her, and she tries, but she does not get to understand or to get better in time, and it will impact her relationship with Powder dramatically, twice. Vi is, by her own choice and by how her world is, on a path to violence, to becoming a fighter. Powder will do the same, adding explosives skills to the mix, and with her own identity and trauma making it a twisted mess. Whereas Vi is headstrong and grown-up, Powder is insecure and childish. Her looking up to Vi, her trauma, and the not so great guidance from Silco, will lead her into becoming Jinx, crazy and terrible.

Mylo wanted to shot an airship down, but Powder wanted to ride in one. She should have a normal life, it would be harsh but she could be happy, she would grow up surrounded with family and friends. That is not what she gets. Her parents died, Vander and Vi took care of her, Vander dies and Vi leaves, Silco takes her in. When what little she had goes up in flames by her fault, when she is left completely alone, she can only break, attach to the first thing she sees, and slowly rebuild herself, somehow.

The emergence of Powder's Jinx curse

So, I guess we have a cute family, between Powder and Vi, as well as Vander and the other people around them. Some delicate issues under the surface, and outside, conflicts ready to ignite. In my opinion, Powder is a cute name, it just happens to also be something you use to blow stuff up. Vi and Silco got the matches.

Vi leads her gang to parkour and to a burglary in Piltover. There is a bunch of foreshadowing there, even if some can be taken as simple introduction and parallels for the characters: Vi leads them in something way over their head and get them in trouble; she helps Powder when she is about to fall; Powder separates herself from the others and takes the crystals, both following and disregarding what Vi say in the very same scene.

The whole thing goes wrong, and it's only the start of their troubles. Mylo is on the right track when he says you could fill a library with the things Powder did not do. Because everyone acts in ways that make the situation worse again and again, whether they do it on purpose, on accident or even without noticing. Powder is first, gets a lot of deserved blame, and is left to the wolves. However, you would want to forgive and comfort her, as well as scream at and give a good smack on the head to many people around. Vi says it herself: "We've all had bad days, but we learn, and we stick together.". People make mistakes, but there is forgiveness, there is support, there is the ability to do better next time. Except sometimes things just go to shit. And the only thing left to do is to pick up the pieces.

After the events and the explosion at the fishery, as both girls break down from the disaster around them, Powder is left alone in the rain, wailing for Vi to come back. If terrible thoughts were not already in Powder's mind at this time, they came quickly after. She asks where is her home and where are her friends. Where is her sister. She left her. Because she is a jinx. She blew up the building, killing Mylo and Claggor, and causing Vander's sacrifice; after she disobeyed Vi and followed her; after she was the reason Vi went to give herself up; after she almost got them caught by enforcers; after she lost the loot; after she ran away from the fight; after she blew up the building in Piltover; after they lost her parents. Mylo was right. Vi was right. She is a jinx, she always was. She is Jinx. This is what Powder believes, and what she will become convinced of.

When Vi hit Powder, and maybe at the times where Vi would get angry at her (see the Enemy clip), Powder does not run away or hide. She freezes up, cries and calls for her sister. Vi is all she has. She has nothing else.

Who is going to help her now? Silco? No, but he will give her a playground for her madness, and total acceptance for whatever she makes herself to be. And he shares his own thoughts. The topside and the undercity. There is a root cause to how horrible her life is, how terrible she is. If Silco may not be able to give her love, he definitively can give her enemies. And so can Vi, so can the voices in her head. So she will be Jinx. She will prove herself as a fighter, she will make them pay, she will make her sister proud, she will show them all.

Powder has a lot of ammunition to feed Jinx, to rebuild herself, to become Vi and more. Silco provides an appropriate environment for Jinx to evolve in, to become what he wants, even if he may not be directly shaping her, even if they have a fragile trust. And Jinx grows up, she gets strong and agile, she learns to brawl, she makes her gadgets work and creates a whole armory out of it, she prepares to fight against Piltover.

The Powder/Jinx identity crisis

Once we see Powder again, years have passed. She is all grown up, she works for Silco, and she apparently has quite a reputation for being terrifying.

So here is Jinx. A young woman who got well adjusted to her environment: a ruthless and sneaky fighter, who welcomes you with a hug and a few sticky grenades. Except, she is just Powder. And a glimpse of what looks like her sister is enough to bring her old self back screaming. Powder shoots the girl in the back, before firing a barrage of bullets all around her, visibly intent of blowing more stuff up. That's Powder now. A teenage girl, both terrified and terrifying, haunted by her failures and her lost sister, armed with guns and explosives.

Powder is in her teenage crisis. That's almost a joke, yet we even get the classic scene where her parent Silco goes to reprimand her and find her listening to music at maximum volume. It's not that Powder is throwing a tantrum to revolt against her parents and society, but she is trying to build her identity and to mature, and she is having a very hard time at it, between her trauma, her insecurities, the people and world around her, and being raised by Silco. I do see this Powder as a teenage girl right in that age and moment in her life, although from her appearance and her actual age being unknown, she may be more of a young woman. This is obviously quite a simplification, since Powder has had a completely messed up life and is not simply dealing with a phase.

Jinx is how she calls herself, how she sees herself. However, I believe Powder is not truly Jinx, probably not until she gets shimmered up and kills Silco. She is acting as Jinx, she is assuming the persona of Jinx. But then again, that's not quite right. It made sense to me on some level, but it feels imprecise, if not wishful thinking. The thing is, Jinx is not a mask for Powder. Yes, Powder is convinced she is a jinx, and possibly convinced she always was, or was destined to be. A bad luck charm. She behaves in a way that fits Jinx, her true self she realized she was after the disaster where she killed everyone and Vi left her. But in the end, Powder and Jinx are just one and the same. Powder is still Powder. And Powder is Jinx, and Jinx is Powder. She is not ill, like you would need to excise Jinx from her head. She grew up traumatized, abandoned and without love, to become a twisted version of what adult Powder could have been originally. She likes and despises herself: both the Powder she remains at her core, whom she sees as weak and want to leave behind, and the Jinx she became on top, whom she sees as her fate to be a danger, hated and alone. She went into survival mode, and ended in turning herself insane from years of mental torture. She changed, in such a way that she thinks Vi could not love her as she is now, but it is who she is now.

For the best argument for Powder being Powder, let's jump to when she learns that Vi is alive and is coming back. Powder rushes to signal her with the flare, and reunites with her sister, for a brief but crucial moment. Vi immediately hugs Powder, who hugs her back after a second. Vi apologizes and explains herself. Powder, who thinks she was abandoned years ago, barely believes her sister is there, and when Vi assures she's real and she's here, Powder does not get angry, she does not act betrayed. Instead, she starts crying and explains that she changed, breaking down and seemingly apologizing herself, like it's all her fault. And Vi simply comforts here, shows she understands and that they're going to be okay. After all this time dealing with her trauma, Powder is immediately back in her sister's arms. For me, this displays without a doubt the indestructible bond between the two of them, how they trust, love and care for each other. And furthermore, that this is Powder, this is Vi's little sister, not a mystical Jinx. But of course, we then have the Firelights attacking, as Ekko takes his turn screwing up and making things worse, by separating the two sisters once again and by further aggravating Powder's mental state.

A quick remark about Vi in that scene: at first, it seems she is horrified by Powder, of how she laughs while firing wildly. Vi is horrified, but there is another layer. Vi understands that Powder is like this because Vi failed her, abandoned her, while she spent years away thinking she would just end up coming back somehow and find her cute little sister again, unchanged.

One small thing that may highlight the bond between the sisters despite their separation, is how both of them got extensive body tattoos. That one might very well be coincidence, since many in the undercity get them, and the adult design mostly already existed (not sure about Vi, since she wears full armor), but it hit me as a cool parallel.

Beyond the reunion scene, we see a lot of signs for Powder/Jinx being Powder: how she does not fit in, how she draws the same way, how she reacts when she thinks she sees Vi on the airship, how she made dolls for Mylo and Claggor, how she kept Vi's plushie, how Silco wants her to let her old self die, how she drinks the same stuff, how she trusts Vi against the voices in her head, how she looks when Ekko is beating her. She is still Powder, with a very messed up mental state. Even when Silco does his show of rebirth for Jinx, Powder is still there. But then, we get a flash of shimmer and the resulting monster face, foreshadowing that she will indeed be reborn, once Silco has to rely on shimmer to save her.

The persona of Jinx, Powder created it herself from what she was and felt as a kid. Silco may have been there, encouraging her in this direction or just letting her loose, yet, as Jinx says later, Vi created her. Perhaps more accurately, the world she knew, her family and her friends, created Jinx. But Vi imprinted on Powder. She behaves and does as Vi would, with the craziness and jinx curse added on top. The Jinx persona is a fearless fighter, who is headstrong and proficient in hand-to-hand combat, like Vi was, who makes and uses explosive traps, like Vi told her she should, who challenges and brawls against Piltover, like Vi wished herself, and who is a jinx, like Vi said she was. All in all, this is the twisted way in which Powder follows in her sister's footsteps, while we know Vi explicitly wanted a better life for Powder.

Powder is convinced she is a jinx, as her sister said, as Mylo said, because she demonstrated it over and over, between the burglary, hiding from the enforcers, and the explosion at the fishery. Later, there may even be hints that Powder could be manufacturing her own jinx. With the shimmer delivery, she most likely could defend the airship successfully and efficiently, instead she lays a trap, blows up stuff, and fights with disregard for her companions and surroundings. Then she goes to Piltover, kills enforcers and steals the gemstone. Sure she got something out of it, but she creates a bunch of new problems, for everyone and for Silco. Powder is a danger, and she embraces it. It's something of a twist on the "Fake it until you make it.", she sees herself as Jinx so she does everything to fit that narrative.

At the same time, she just wants to prove herself, as she always did. When Powder enrages on the boxing machine, she is not jealous of Vi, she is not hating her sister. She wants to be Vi, to replace her, because she has to. Powder must be worthy of her sister and must let her disappear. Yet she can't be her sister, Vi is still everywhere she looks and listens, and Powder still jinxes everything. When Powder steals the gemstone and weaponizes it, she is working toward Silco's dream. Yet she will be the very thing that keeps it away, and she will end up killing Silco.

Then a rumor: Vi is back in town. The sisters reunite, and things immediately go wrong again. Everyone wants Powder to be the monster, everyone wants to be her enemy. Don't act surprised when she answers, by shooting all of them down, all around her, including the audience and including Vi. Once the smoke clears up, Powder and Jinx are alone. Was Vi even there? Did she shoot her in her frenzy? Did she jinx their reunion? Did anything even happen? Notice how, at the start of the scene, Powder was literally on a ledge with broken railing, looking down below, away from the stars, toward madness and death, but also toward Vi and her voice, who is looking for her at this exact moment.

Even at this time, when Powder seems ready to fall into ever greater depths, she maintains the slightest semblance of control. She ambushes Silco to question him, then goes back looking for Vi. She finds her again working with the enemy, being close with a girl who happens to look a little like her. Powder represses her hateful thoughts, she trusts her sister still. However, there are other issues to attend, and Powder rushes in recklessly to recover the gemstone, before she is summarily defeated by Ekko, the boy savior as she names him. And when Powder is down, crying under the storm of blows, Ekko stops, he sees Powder. And she blows herself up.

Overall, it's difficult to pinpoint Powder at this stage. To know how far gone she actually is, how much she believes in being Jinx, and to what extent she is herself, in control and lucid, rather than just riding the wave of the madness around and within her. The intimate moments, when she breaks down from reliving the explosion, when she hugs Vi, when she cries before Ekko, when she resists the voices in her head, those moments betray here to be just Powder in my opinion. But she is also a killer with no remorse, someone who enjoys violence, an unstable and destructive person, who will soon be too far gone.

The death of Powder and her rebirth as Jinx

You thought Powder was at her lowest when she was basically killing herself? Well, the end is not here just yet. Because Jinx gets brutally brought back to life and to hell.

Powder is drugged with a copious amount of shimmer to heal her, and it's a torture. It's unclear exactly how the shimmer affects her later. It definitely strengthens her and brings her some lucidity, but how does it twist her mind? From other instances of using shimmer, it seems to be a powerful drug, possibly very insidious, but with short effects and while leaving the user in control of themselves. Jinx is more unhinged than ever and terrifyingly effective. The effect seemingly lasts for hours, maybe forever? Is the shimmer even affecting her? Or is it just Powder, empowered by it? Considering her eyes and her actions, there is a good chance we are dealing with the final Jinx and that the little Powder's heart has already gone forever.

Before, Powder was Powder assuming the persona of Jinx. When Vi found her, it looked possible for her to go back to Powder on the spot. However, Vi being taken away and the following events dashed all hope. Powder believes she lost Vi again, or worse got abandoned again, then sees Caitlyn as a demon who replaced her, then almost dies, and finally gets shimmered up.

Jinx is done waiting for people and she is done listening to the voices in her head. She abducts her sister and her adoptive father to her stage, an ominous dinner setup in the fishery where the nightmare started, with a colorful, explosive and crazy show, for which she seemed to have developed some skill. Jinx plays her best sinister villain character when she fakes out on bringing Caitlyn's head in a platter, and when she asks Vi, very seriously, to shoot Caitlyn to bring back her sister.

Powder actually appears quite aware and in control. She is obviously being crazy in setting up that stage and then with the Caitlyn fake out, but she holds an intelligible conversation with Vi and Silco, for the most part. Just like how until then she was assuming the face of Jinx, Powder is almost putting up a farce, which again is the veil on her actual tragedy and trauma.

Beyond the show by Jinx, there is a desperate Powder who has this deep need for love and for family, which is her sister, but at this time is also Silco. Of course, Vi and Silco want to kill each other (or at least Vi wants to, and Silco feels the needs to), and Powder is in the middle, completely lost, insane and drugged. The whole thing is a complete mess, with bonus guns and rockets. Looking at how the scene plays out, you can even see it as a strange take on parents fighting over who has custody of Powder/Jinx, as she is choosing who her family is.

In the end, Powder's attachment to Vi remained core to her. I think it was clear in how quick she ran back to her before, even if everything points to Vi abandoning her for years. Thus here, Powder actually goes to her and lets her decide. Except Vi has not had the time to process how she should handle her sister, and is simply not ready to deal with severely unhinged Powder. She is coming off from her own rage after Piltover, Silco and Sevika, she does not even understand what is going on. Vi does not want Powder or Caitlyn to be hurt, and she is definitely not shooting someone here (I mean, maybe Silco).

At this point, Powder and Vi spent years apart, both alone and lost. Vi was almost an adult and strong-willed enough to survive while staying mostly herself. But Powder was a kid and insecure. Traumatized and left alone, she had to do something to survive, she changed, she went mad. While Vi is mainly angry over Silco, Powder was raised under him and he cultivated her hostility toward Piltover. Powder and Vi are still sisters but they cannot understand each other, and there is no way Vi knows how to reconcile them in a day, not to mention the situation will simply not allow for them to just sit, talk and hug it out.

There is one line I am going to dissect because it can be interpreted in two ways. When Vi says "We can just go. We'll leave and never come back.". Is she talking about her with Caitlyn or with Powder? From the next lines from Vi and Silco, I believe it is clear that she means Powder, but at the same time, for a second, Powder seems to be considering the two possibilities: Vi and Powder will leave together and be a family again, or Vi is admitting messing up by coming back and will leave Powder to her current situation. She answers to the first one, but then hears the voices in her head and protests against it being the second one. And it would even make sense from Vi's point of view: she both wants to get Powder out of here, but is also horrified and wants to get away to collect herself. It highlights in an instant how messed up Powder is, as well as how horrible the relationship between Powder and Vi did and still can turn out, no matter how and maybe especially because they had such a strong bond.

Powder was in a bad state at the start of the scene, and she is just continuing her descent into hell. She again shows her violent self by suddenly shooting the Mylo doll, to silence the voices in her head. Silco is making a compelling argument about how he is Jinx's real family, and in his final moments, he reveals how he truly does cares about her, regardless of how awful a person and a father he is. There is an argument that he is still trying to save his skin but I think Silco actually believes what he's saying, considering his last words.

Here comes Caitlyn, making it worse, as is customary for everyone in this story, when she frees herself and threatens Jinx. The issue is she resets Jinx in her defensive mode, and does not stand a chance against her in that moment. Not to mention, Vi is just going to freak out at that point. The tension in the whole scene is just sky high. Jinx almost shots Caitlyn (after hearing an inner voice, which appears to be Vi and I wonder if we heard it before, since Powder said that Vi had always been there, while we ourselves saw Mylo). Then Caitlyn hesitates, and Jinx strikes. Two things: Jinx is faking being a defenseless girl just before, and has a really crazy face afterward. Powder is about to disappear.

Then it just continues getting worse. Silco, and Vi especially, try to win her over. Except, Vi fails at defusing the situation, as she corners Powder and prevents her from calming herself. Presumably, Silco is being more measured and does not scream as much, until he feels the situation is completely out of control and he has to shoot Vi. Except, Powder will always choose Vi, so she shoots and kills Silco on the spot. Which is the last straw. Powder killed her family again, proving to herself without a doubt that yes she is a jinx. Even Silco, in his dying breath, proves he loves her and proclaims her as perfect, which solidify both that it was her family, and that she is Jinx.

This way ends the hellish path for Powder. As Vi calls to her one last time, she takes up her seat, and becomes Jinx for good. Even still, she is lucid, she makes the choice herself. Jinx explains to Vi how she wanted to be loved, how she is different, how she feels betrayed by her. The two sisters have drifted apart and were forged into two radically opposite women. Regardless of their bond, the world and fate made sure to turn their childhood hopes into nightmares.

Finally, the true Jinx, the monster inside her, screams out in her rebirth and, crying, sends off the fireworks, in the form of a rocket to blow up Piltover. Powder is gone. Jinx is a villain and the cause of death of all around her. Mylo is dead. Claggor is dead. Vander is dead. Silco is dead. And many more are dead and seconds away from dying. Peace with Piltover will be impossible. Vi is powerless and can only pick up the pieces, as she too loses her family, again.


The story of Powder and Jinx is a tragic tale, and something of a bad joke gone way too far and for way too long. Powder is a kind soul who has to endure her surroundings and tries to prove herself, until, in trying to do good, she becomes responsible for a massive disaster. So she assumes the role and fate that was given to her, Jinx, while being traumatized and alone for years. And when the only hope she had comes, it gets dashed in an instant, before she makes another disaster, proving true all her bad thoughts about herself. So she discards what was left of Powder and accepts herself as Jinx.

Here we are, at a turning point in the story of Powder. I am both excited and apprehensive about how this story will continue. My hope is that, even though the original Powder is truly gone and will never come back, there is a chance that in the same way as Powder became Jinx, Jinx may herself become someone else, perhaps getting closer to a happy and peaceful future, as Vander and Vi wished for. We have yet to see how Vi is going to take in all that happened, and if she collapses right there or gets to chase Jinx, be it to talk some sense into her or to stop her.

And that's it for now. I am not sure how good of a job I did, but I really needed to finish something and share it. I was going to say the exercise drained me but honestly it was a joy. I am just weirded out of how obsessed I get with tragic stories. There is still so much from Arcane to expand upon. There are several points I left out, because I was unsure of how solid they were, because they did not fit nicely into the final text, and simply because I needed to be done. I should delve more into Vi and Silco, but they deserve their own post, in that you have to explain their characters, and then all the others around them, as well as show all the themes and parallels. There is also much theorizing to be done about what's going to happen next, and specifically where Caitlyn, Jinx and Vi are headed. So yeah, I might actually just need to do a part 2 and more on Arcane in general.

Cheers everyone!